With our long winters and short summers Canadians love to be out in the sun as much as possible during our hot, sunny summer months, but it is important for us to be mindful of sun exposure due to the risk of harmful UV radiation, which can lead to skin damage and other serious conditions. Prolonged exposure increases the risk of skin cancer, premature aging, and eye damage, making it essential to take protective measures year-round.

Seeking to gain a better understanding of Canadians’ awareness of the risks of sun exposure and their use of sunscreen and sun-blocking products, webSaver Consumer Insights conducted a brief market survey asking Canadians to share their opinions, and usage of sun care, sunscreen and sun blocking products. We also inquired as to whether the availability of online coupons and cashback offers could make a difference in their usage of sunscreen products and their Brand preferences.

As owners and operators of webSaver.ca, the leading Online Coupons and Cashback Offers website in Canada, our membership comprises one of the largest shopping  communities in Canada. As such they provide Brands with invaluable market research insights into Canadian consumer behaviour.

From the survey results we can see that Canadians take the risk of sun exposure seriously and use sunscreen and sun block products regularly. The primary reasons they use sun protection products are to prevent sun damage and reduce the likelihood of skin cancer. SPF number is by far the most important factor they consider when making a sun block product selection.

They are also vey likely to be influenced in Brand selection by the availability of a discount coupon or cashback offer, so that although they take the risk of sun exposure seriously they are less discerning as to which brand of sun screen product they choose.

Exploring these top line findings further we can better understand Canadians’ attitudes towards sunscreen and sunblock products and the availability and impact of product discounts.

  • Canadians take the risk of sun exposure seriously with 64% using sunscreen ‘Always’ and ‘Often’ when spending time outdoors. That number increases to 89% when we expand the results to include ‘Sometimes’.
  • The primary reasons to use sun block are to prevent sunburn for all family members, at 38%, and to reduce the risk of skin cancer at 35%.
  • The SPF number is by far the most important factor when making a sunscreen purchase decision at 48%. Nothing else was even close with broad spectrum coverage coming in second at 24%.
  • Brand loyalty seems like a lesser factor in consumer decisions of which products to purchase with 51% stating that the availability of an online coupon would significantly impact their decision to switch brands of sunscreen. And 33% indicating that a significant coupon would motivate them to try a new brand in the marketplace.
  • This ability to be impacted by discounts is also reflected in 79% of respondents stating discounts are either ‘Extremely’ or ‘Very’ important in their decision to purchase sunscreen and sunblock. With 50% having answered ‘Extremely Important’.
  • Read on to find out more.

Sun care and sunscreen products Survey Results:
(Aggregate All Canada Data below – Results can also be broken out by Location, Age, Gender and Language to discern group differences)

1. How often do you and your family use sunblock or sunscreen products when spending time outdoors? (Please select one)

2. What is your or your family’s primary reason for using sunblock or sunscreen? (Please select one)

3. What factor is most important to your family when choosing a sunblock or sunscreen product? (Please select one)

4. Which factor would most encourage you to try a new brand of sunblock or sunscreen? (Please select one)

5. Would the availability of an online coupon or cashback offer influence your decision to switch brands when purchasing sunblock or sunscreen? (Please select one)

6. How important are discounts – such as coupons or cashback offers – in your decision to purchase sunblock or sunscreen products? (Please select one)



Additional insights gained by drilling down into various reporting categories:
In addition to the aggregate ‘All Canada’ results webSaver Consumer Insights can also break out the results by demographic category, consumption category, or both.
This allows us to obtain more granular insights and it allows CPG Brands to gain a better understanding of their consumers’ attitudes and differences across the various dimensions.

The webSaver.ca member base is one of the deepest and richest independent grocery data sets in Canada.
In addition to data measurement by Location (Province, City, Region), Gender, Age and Language we have deep transactional and behavioural data on dozens of consumption categories including Fruits and Veggies, Snacks, Dairy, Bakery, Condiments, Meats, Home products and much more.

Does your Brand need to better understand the attitudes of breakfast cereal consumers? Ontario seniors? The after school snack consumption of young females?

Or whatever your specific challenge, webSaver can help you get the answers you need to make better informed decisions.
Contact webSaver Market Research Solutions to find out more.

With over 10 years leading the Canadian online coupons marketplace and 150 Million coupon issued we know coupons. We’ve worked with 90% of Canada’s leading consumer packaged goods brands providing them with the online coupons and cashback offer solutions that generate real value for their business. Whether your strategic objective is customer acquisition, customer lift (Increased transaction size and frequency) or customer retention webSaver can help.

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