Online coupons and cashback offers have become essential promotional strategies for CPG Brands seeking to increase sales, engage consumers and build long term customer loyalty. In this article we explore ways that these strategies can help your brand achieve its marketing objectives and differentiate itself from the competition in a crowded marketplace.

Below is a short list of ten important marketing objectives CPG Brands can accomplish by deploying Online Coupons and Cashback Offers to their customers.

  1. Acquire new customers:
    Online coupons and cashback offers can entice potential customers to try your brand for the first time, especially if they are currently loyal to a competitor. By reducing the financial risk associated with trying something new, these promotions can help convert prospects into customers.
  2. Maintain Brand awareness:
    Regularly offering online promotions keeps your brand top-of-mind for consumers, ensuring they remember your products when making purchasing decisions. Even when customers aren’t ready to buy immediately, consistent visibility through these offers helps keep your brand relevant.
  3. Increase customer loyalty and brand relationship:
    Regular promotional offers reinforce a positive relationship with your existing customers, making them feel valued and appreciated. By consistently rewarding their loyalty with discounts or cashback you strengthen their bond with your brand increasing the likelihood of repeat purchases.
  4. Create customer profiles and gather data:
    Online coupons often require customers to provide personal information or engage with your brand digitally, which can be leveraged to build customer profiles. This data is invaluable for planning future marketing efforts, segmenting audiences, and improving the overall customer experience.
  5. Support new product introductions:
    Launching a new product can be challenging, but online coupons and cashback offers provide an incentive for customers to give it a try. These promotions can lower the perceived risk of trying something new, helping to accelerate adoption and create buzz.
  6. Encourage a competitive Brand switch:
    If you’re looking to attract customers away from a competitor, offering compelling coupons or cashback offers can make your brand the more attractive option. These offers can prompt consumers to switch, providing them with a reason to try your product over the one they typically purchase.
  7. Increase Brand transaction size:
    Encouraging customers to spend more in a single transaction can be achieved by offering discounts that kick in at higher purchase thresholds. By incentivizing bulk purchases or the addition of complementary items, you can effectively boost the average transaction value and overall revenue.
  8. Drive online engagement:
    Promotions that require customers to visit your website, interact with your social media, or sign up for newsletters can significantly increase online engagement. This not only helps in building a stronger online presence but also fosters a more engaged and loyal customer base.
  9. Supplement existing promotional efforts:
    Online coupons and cashback offers can enhance the effectiveness of broader marketing campaigns by providing an additional incentive to act. Whether you’re launching a new ad campaign or running a seasonal promotion, these offers can help drive higher conversion rates.
  10. Target specific markets or retailers:
    Online promotions can be precisely targeted to specific demographics, geographic areas, or even individual retailers, allowing for tailored marketing strategies. This level of customization ensures that your offers resonate with the intended audience and achieve maximum impact.

Online coupons and cashback offers are powerful tools that CPG brands can leverage to achieve a wide range of marketing objectives as well as enhance a Brand’s relationship with its customers. These promotions offer more than immediate sales increases, they create opportunities for deeper engagement, foster brand loyalty, and provide customer insights that can shape future strategy.

For CPG brands looking to leverage discount coupons and cashback offers to achieve their marketing objectives, make sure to consult the experts at

Contact us now to get started.

With over 10 years leading the Canadian online coupons marketplace and 150 Million coupon issued we know coupons. We’ve worked with 90% of Canada’s leading consumer packaged goods brands providing them with the online coupons and cashback offer solutions that generate real value for their business. Whether your strategic objective is customer acquisition, customer lift (Increased transaction size and frequency) or customer retention webSaver can help.

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